Prices for apartment rental in Briancon
Check out our seasonal prices below for all our 3 beautiful apartments in Briancon and look out for discounts for empty weeks. Please contact us for shorter stay prices and off season Serre Chevalier accommodation.

Apartment Klimt - Briancon, Serre Chevalier Valley
Jan ..................................... £1350 €1600
School Hols .......................... £3000 €3350
Feb Other .......................... £2200 €2500
March Other.................... £2200 €2500
April ..................................... £1400 €1600
May .................................... £ 600 € 700
June..................................... £ 900 €1000
Summer..................................... £1300 €1500
Sept ............................................ £ 900 €1000
Oct, Nov, Dec.............................. £ 650 € 850
Xmas ..................................... £2750 €3000
NY/ Tour De France ............... £2750 €3000
Apartment Buddha - Briancon, Serre Chevalier Valley
Jan ..................................... £1250 €1500
School Hols .......................... £2750 €3000
Feb Other .......................... £1800 €2000
March ............................... £1800 €2000
April ..................................... £ 1100 €1250
May .................................... £ 530 €600
June..................................... £ 800 €900
Summer..................................... £1200 €1350
Sept ............................................ £ 700 € 900
Oct, Nov, Dec.............................. £ 550 € 630
Xmas ..................................... £2500 €2750
NY/Tour de France ................ £2500 €2750
Apartment Maia - Briancon, Serre Chevalier Valley
Jan ..................................... £ 1250 €1500
School Hols .......................... £2500 €2750
Feb Other .......................... £1600 €1800
March ............................... £1600 €1800
April ..................................... £1000 €1100
May .................................... £ 530 € 600
June..................................... £ 710 € 800
Summer..................................... £1000 €1100
Sept ............................................ £ 600 € 700
Oct, Nov, Dec.............................. £ 550 € 630
Xmas ..................................... £2300 €2550
NYTour De France . ................ £2300 €2550
* 25% OFF
Contact us for discounted last minute weeks
Prices do not include linen and towels for 1 week stay = = approx £150
Prices might increase for large groups.